Sunday, July 21, 2013


You think the Metal Gear series ever confined to the infiltration infusion kinematic? All hands to battle with Metal Gear Rising Revengeance, a game that prefers the way of the sword to the ruse. And as the project seemed very bad start with a director dislodged en route, Konami has given the baby and her big melons a goldsmith of the genre, the Platinum studio. For a result to be cut away.


When he grabs the spine of his opponent, before exploding with all his rage staring at the player, Raiden has already won. Forgot clenching early beta tester of the cyborg ninja is full of his class in an outlet at its last measurement. Rising Revengeance is a set of layers, a beat'em all power, the kind of production that restores faith in Japan and its creators. Here we no longer laughing matter details: detailed excess models, animations and effects that give the feeling of holding a taser instead of the joystick, and especially a flow that returns to the niche all Ninja Theory world. Twirling, exhilarating, intoxicating, Metal Gear Rising Revengeance out pronto lot thanks to its mechanical Zandatsu, which can cut any enemy into small pieces provided that there is a weakness. We can target parts of diminished body to prevent it from attacking or moving, but the column remains the best way to get rid of, while regaining its entire life bar the way.

He does not become a killing machine by simply slipping a knife shoulder, so the mechanics Zandatsu request a slight adjustment period. If the QTE that accompanies it is quickly assimilated, tame the camera bullet time is a different story, though this depends primarily on the skill of the player. Yes, cameras can sometimes be trapped in the walls, and disorient the player when he activates the Zandatsu. But once the sword well in hand, and the sharp stick, nothing and no one can resist. This is the moment chosen by PlatinumGames to expand the gameplay with new secondary weapons in addition to the sword, that go along with new capabilities to buy through accumulated over the progression points. We can of course choose to strengthen the power of a particular weapon, endurance Raiden, but the acquisition of new techniques is the best way to enjoy the variety of shots. Clearly, Platinum Master the basics of beat'em all as a person.


So yes, some environments sometimes betray a shortened development time. For a beautiful pagoda, there are two or three Sewage a little yucky, the fault of not always lapped textures. But who cares: the game is perfectly smooth, with a few hiccups near and above it allows staging completely smoke as few games before it. Surf missiles, cutting buildings, plating giant robots: imagine the rage and excess Asura's of Wrath with a neat gameplay and flashy aesthetics, and you get a nice overview of Rising Revengeance. Then of course, do not expect great revelations about the history of the series post-MGS4, despite allusions to the Patriots. However, you can count on a parade of four-star boss, and fighting in tune to adequately showcase class Raiden. Anyway, when a heavy Metal Gear loose from the prologue, we can expect that the following is sparkling with QTE finish in a few easy but really spectacular. And unlike Vanquish, PlatinumGames avoids this pitfall both recycling, with one or two exceptions.

Metal Gear Rising Revengeance still retains many elements, even if they are mostly muted. Yes, it is possible to open the Codec to babble with colleagues, but between the cutscenes and briefings in the atrium, it is already sufficiently interrupted like that. There is also a touch of infiltration in the glass, but it is more of a wink than a necessity, and the enemies have a sixth sense to spot you before the execution, and anyway the game encourages them to engage in combat with one count each fight at the end of the level. At best, the gentle method saves time and avoid unnecessary damage to get a nice "S". In fact, infiltration sequences are in place when they are embedded in a mini-game, as nice when Raiden control pod to hack an enemy terminal, jumping neck guards a little overzealous. Last tribute to the management of inventory, with an interface still stylized, though again it's all cosmetic. Aside from rations to scrounge as soon as possible, the rest of the inventory seems quite dispensable. Take the rocket or arm the grenade takes for ages, and as mentioned above, the subterfuges based cardboard to hide have a relative interest. No problem, even if the game would probably have gained wealth by offering more variety yet.


PlatinumGames games chain, we begin to better understand the philosophy of the studio. Who regularly tend to favor the form at the bottom, with the exception of Bayonetta. Metal Gear Rising Revengeance also belongs to this category of technology showcases that make a strong impression at the time, but perhaps lacking breath over time. Life, for example. The controversy swelled a little before release, with the release of a final screen that displayed 5 hour game Mesquin because Revengeance takes into account that the best test when drawing up the balance sheet, as the previous titles Platinum , also. But even including kinematic and continuous, the first run should not extend beyond seven to eight hours, unless you have forgotten to switch rations (it happens) and completely zap the issue of parade . An even more striking than the last three chapters are clearly curly early end before it even began. Proof of success / trophy will reward players who wrap up Chapter 5 in less than 7 minutes (it was 7:23 in the first test). In short, a hasty end, even more unexpected than the first acts are rather balanced, at the rate of one hour per chapter and beautiful twists to dynamite action.

Also the issue of the combat system, incredibly smooth, spectacular, but perhaps not as much as hoped at the outset. The relatively limited number of secondary weapons (three to four, stick with sai) still happen if we could easily zap from one to the other to create sequences that poutrent. Much like Bayonetta. Here Metal Gear Rising Revengeance the job done with only two weapons in hand, he does it well, but as he spends a little after the other, Bayo to DmC, it sometimes feels a little cramped technical issue. The same goes for the parade and against attacks that seem challenging at first, even intimidating. The time to understand it enough to strafe the attack button and direction stick in small sequences to anticipate any adverse movement of the basic grunt the latest evolution of Metal Gear. Like a woodpecker, tac, tac, tac. In short, we expect Ninja Gaiden, and sometimes to limit Bujingai: a stress relief with large movements of sword a little superfluous, where the fun takes precedence over the immediate depth in. When Raiden enters Ripper mode, ready to melt on each prey to issue its gauge Berserk afloat, the player touches the finger moments of grace.

Nothing prevents up a little trouble from the start to enjoy more, though again there is a little area with a basic management challenge. The enemies do more damage, it often takes more shots to decide, but at the same time the game is pretty forgiving on Zandatsu - the ability to dismember an opponent not only depends on his health. Anyway, when other titles are sure to boost the challenge with more advanced patterns for enemies and bosses, Revengeance is the key. It is still wise to refer to the VR Missions unlocked at the discretion of the chapters, via terminals stashed in every corner, to rebuild a little icing issue challenge. Timed Challenges, penalties drop, shortcuts galore, everything is in place to show off on the online leaderboards. Provided you like to spend his life in yellow and gray virtual training rooms, for the sake of scratch tenths of seconds. Well, even if Raiden lack stubble, Rising is so enjoyable that the apparent whenever the mood of a cut-shifted arises.

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