Saturday, July 20, 2013


Successful but clearly incomplete at its output, then strengthened a bit timidly by a first expansion last year, Civilization V returned to the charge with Brave New World, a new add-on charge to wrap the package with a beautiful bow.

The new combat system of the fifth episode of the legendary franchise visibly pleased with the bloodthirsty players Firaxis now goes in search of peace followers of cultural victory and / or diplomatic. Prepare your settlers after a rather frugal Gods & Kings, the second extension is a big piece.


It is no secret that the last few laps of a game of Civilization V where we seek victory without gutting its neighbor are about as exciting as a football game. Press "Next Tour" looking to climb the counter culture or the date of the next election approach has never passionate person, and Brave New World clearly seeks to solve this problem. To do this, the new extension signed by Firaxis always decide to put a good shot of bundle in our ancient victory conditions, history replace mechanical slightly better oiled. The "Utopia Project" and its cluster of Social Policy was found hanging at the bottom of a cave, next to the smoking corpse of the old system of electing the world leader, and this is great news. Rather than twiddling your thumbs between las clicks, players will now have to fight hard to win over their neighbors, they decided to cut their throats or not. It is always a matter of stacking culture on one side and take an election to another, but always in the same way or for the same reasons. Explanations.

You have visited all the museums in Meurthe-et-Moselle and never forget stalling "unintentionally" your copy of War and Peace on Instagram to try (unsuccessfully) to look smart? You probably want the cultural victory now achieved through the implementation of works of art in Civilization V: Brave New World. Great Artists, Writers and Musicians join the cast of Grown Ups the franchise to create memorable works to be stored carefully to see better. These texts, written or paintings stored in dedicated buildings (Library, Museum, some Wonders, etc..) Will obviously generate always good to take culture, but also and especially tourism, a new resource that will make heads turn the vicinity. A force stacking attractions, our cities will eventually tickle the curiosity of other civilizations, forcing them to increase their own stock of culture under penalty fall under our spell. We find ourselves suddenly with an offensive and defensive tourism culture monitor until it has literally conquered all the other factions in game sites capable of accommodating a work of art is limited, we will also manage these gems of creativity, even the barter with our neighbors to exchange the hit of the summer against the last pamphlet in fashion.

The establishment of a strong culture can obviously start in the early rounds of the game, but especially the end of cultural part that needed to be boosted by Brave New World. Then comes another unique game mechanics, archeology, as we discover when entering the Industrial Era. It unlocks access to the archaeologist, a special unit able to visit special sites scattered around the world (and sometimes subtly disguised) in memory of past events. It can for example be the location of a forgotten first defeat the barbarians centuries earlier, or even things experienced by neighboring enemy and / or missing tribes. Nevertheless, a visit by our budding Indiana Jones will (after a few turns) to unlock access to two types of elements: a monument that will generate proportional culture age of what it commemorates or artifact to turn into a work of art more in one of our cities. As it is quite possible to go loot remote sites, running archeology is a reality, but not necessarily an end in itself, not the fault of a hyper functioning captivating. Interesting, but not revolutionary, the study of ruins is also a hair late, generating a gap of cultural activity regrettable late Renaissance.

Despite these very limited odd, the new cultural system is working pretty well, and if the last few laps are still not as interactive as military conquest in good and due form, we lose at least feel uncomfortable watching the game masturbate. We regretted not especially against a glorious ergonomics for all these new game mechanics, who sometimes seem to have been integrated with a hammer and chisel in the existing interface. The system of ideology suffers from the same problem with his rough-hewn and carved the crowbar menu. It replaces the old Social Policies incompatible (Order, Autocracy and Equality) with a new tree of "skills" at very attractive bonus, but very poorly presented. It is a pity that this novel way to improve our civilization is accompanied by friendly interactions with our neighbors, who will not hesitate to compliment / criticize our choices according to their own doctrine. It is also a great place to spend our culture points late in the game (access ideologies being released to the Modern Era) if one is tired of the options offered by the Social Policy.


If you prefer sterile between Sciences Po graduates to extravagances Beatnik discussions, rather you will have to look through your victory at the World Congress revamped Brave New World. Founded by the first civilization to unlock its technology dedicated and have met all other peoples of the world, this meeting bigwigs will now rocking our part for the rhythm of regular votes. Everyone is invited to vote and occasionally there to propose resolutions, whether to ban such luxury resort, to impose an embargo on a neighbor a little too vindictive or organize upcoming games Olympic. It always starts equal, but very soon, the smart kids will try to get more votes to impose their views or oppose those of their rivals. Ally with city states is a great way to achieve these ends, although it is also possible to send a spy as a diplomat in a foreign capital in order to trade vote (s) with our classmates. The election of the Executive World and the ensuing diplomatic victory, passing by, it soon becomes necessary to tamper with the influence when trying to win that way. Smart in concept, the World Congress is also suffering from an interface not well however glorious fits quite well in our endgames, diplomatic or not.

In addition to these successful ways to give a boost to culture and diplomacy, Brave New World also marks the arrival of the Trade Routes. This umpteenth additional functionality we follow more or less throughout the game as soon as you get access to the Caravan. This new passive unit will then choose a destination range to generate money in one way or another, but also expand our empire. These peddlers can travel by land but also the sea will also tend to spread the religion of the cities they visit, forcing us to be careful to avoid falling under the aegis of a cult from elsewhere and opportunism to expand our own circle of followers. Send in rich cities in luxury resorts is also a great way to get a grip on these exotic products while traveling in our own cities can enable the sharing of our stock of food and / or production. Ideal to build a city founded only through the power of capital, however far away. However, be careful to protect these convoys will soon captured by barbarians or upset neighbors. Simple, effective and potentially interesting new game system is quite successful.

As usual, the arrival of a new extension is also an opportunity for Firaxis to modify, revise, replace and add things to the country units, technologies, social policies, cultures and so on. New camps are playing quite successful overall and obviously enjoy particularly strong interaction with game systems integrated by Brave New World. The new little noticed most is probably Venice, which inherits conditions play a little special with the inability to have more than one city under his direct control. Unable to create settlers, this civilization will be entitled only to pure and simple city-states cities puppets through conquest or purchase. Not necessarily super exciting to play but original no doubt. The only real regret regret begin again with AI, not well equipped to exploit the traffic stations or religious / business development, and balancing that is often forgotten. Certain racial bonus and have fairly violent interactions with trade and / or diplomacy, creating mountains of gold in the first case and to impossible to lose in the other votes. The game still lacks a bit the boat in some places - the concept of overall satisfaction is always silly, scientific victory a bit trite and questionable finish - but it is finally worthy of the pedigree Civilization. It is not too early.

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