From time to time, players have the pleasant surprise to find a game featuring a gameplay previously unknown or recovered from the depths of time. And when developers are serious and inspired the title becomes a critical and commercial success opens the door to a flood of clones varying quality.
Teleglitch is one of those clones. He surfs the growing wave of rogue-like, back in the heart of the general public through small beads as The Binding of Isaac or more recently FTL: Faster Than Light. It also combines some amazing singularities its developers, Johann and Mihkel Tael and Edvin Aedma are Estonians and unattractive would scare small children if they crossed the street. The question is whether this disability conceals a true inner beauty.
We must understand that its graphics have been an insult to the days of the NES, and locked at 30 frames per second framerate does not help his case. The main character is a small yellow square, placed on a green rectangle, which moves in a world strewn maronnasse pipe red faded. The enemies are also not better off. The humanoids are built on the same model as the hero, with colors and sizes, while the less fortunate are represented by a block of pixels blur which exceeds any number of appendages supposed to be legs. The result is catastrophic objectively, and may even burn eyes and spinning headaches more sensitive they are glued to their screens too long. The interface itself is contaminated with this problem and not much better than the old DOS under which he had to return our orders in hand. Fortunately, it will not need to come to such an end, the title screen with some elements that move through the keys to customize the controls, start a new game or see individual objects found in our various attempts to reach the last level.
And it's not going to happen. Teleglitch is a rogue-like and as such, he will do everything possible to send us patres ad as soon as possible with a maximum of sadism. Like Spelunky and The Binding of Isaac, death is permanent, and there is no way to reload a backup in case of a misstep. It is possible to record our progress at the end of each level, provided they left the game in the process. In fact, developers have been more generous than usual and offer a little more competent sweetness to bypass the frustration of having to retype the entire path of the Cross leading to the completion screen. Upon reaching the fifth world, it becomes possible to start the next game from the third, from the fifth to the seventh if we can, and so on until you can start the penultimate training after coming at the end of the ultimate test that is to say, the tenth. At first glance, it is little, but by dint of die loop gobbled by a horde of hungry a few meters from the exit monsters, one becomes aware of the actual difficulty of the title and its potential lifespan.
But like the other members of the genus, this ruthlessness eventually become a real asset and pushes us to see each defeat as a personal affront. And here we go again in grave to wash our honor, as these idiots lemmings trying unsuccessfully to learn to fly since the world began. With the semi procedural generation complex to go, namely a different arrangement of pre-built parts, boredom is not felt immediately, even if we retenterait several times in a row adventure. Strangely, the birth of this new obsession us perspective visual deprivation of the game, to the point that even comes to appreciate some graphic elements. The arrival on the field is done for example by teleporter, which when activated generates an image distortion and separation of primary colors on the edges of objects, as if we were having a magnet near a old CRT. Moreover, we find the same effect on our character during combat phases.
With these passages that thrill seekers adopt permanently Teleglitch. From a top view, the protagonist has to get rid of enemies rushing towards him as they perceive it. First few and easily removed, they will become tougher, learn how to use firearms and tumble dozens at every open door. Inevitably, the first instinct is to send the right amount of prunes to accommodate them. Large well we do. The guns have a monstrous potato: any shot is accompanied by an imperceptible zoom, the camera shakes and shakes our little avatar, including 9mm cardboard with which he began his epic. Each weapon is discovered during a fancy new visual pressing power. Bombs emit a cloud of smoke that covers their entire momentarily AoE, shot the shotgun proudly display their dispersion, and tin packed with nails and explosives sweeps everything before it is to a blurring effect that dissipates to reveal that the lint floor instead of fifteen opponents who were there a few seconds earlier. The whole course embellished hellish blast to support the point.
Who would have thought a simple food packaging could do much damage? Surprises like this are not uncommon. The crafting system in this game invites to experiment in the first part, then save materials useful in the following. Not that it is possible to freely tinker with proceeds going directly to the inventory available through the "c" key when the materials necessary for their confections in our possession. But by picking up the charms, they are stored in vaults, abandoned corpses or simply taking the dust on the ground, it becomes obvious that using a box of nails to build a Frag Grenade This also means taking the risk of not having the time to make the box cassoulet of death or recharge his nail gun. And even if it is not properly effective, it will still be useful when troubleshooting ammunition will run out. Nobody wants to fight melee against a zombie holding a heavy machine gun in his hands rotten.
For Teleglitch is stingy. The balls are rare and valuable, and it will play the knife against the rank and file to be able to defend itself against more powerful enemies. Doing so obviously likely to take shots, and care kits or corned beef not litter either bitumen. The chances of survival are closely linked to the management of cartridges and health. At each assessment at any time if it is not better to risk a small part of his hundred points of life to keep a well stocked gun, or if the situation requires instead to shoot on sight to reach the next teleporter in one piece. Besides mixing rooms in consecutive attempts, the loot is also placed randomly, and it is therefore unnecessary to remember our failures to make life easier in the future. We pestera in some cases force retrieve useless material for an hour before giving the blows, and sometimes starting with exultantly exclaim recover both medikits dragging in the first room. Fortunately, the areas to explore are vast and full of secrets behind the arm to more adventurous can risk their lives for a chip or tube scrap.
The complex is actually very large, tortuous, and many rooms are stashed behind the rock then you need to clear shots C4, rocket launchers, gun or if times are hard and that 'we are not in a hurry. To find them, just be aware of the environment and observe the gaps in the walls, although smarter here than just cracked a Zelda textures. Despite his heavenly perspective, the player is no more omniscient his character through a calculation of shadows and lines for real-time system. Any partition thus obscures what is behind it. However, sometimes a shadow crossing is suddenly a ray of light passing our survivor, then this flash disappear after one or two meters. Retracing our steps, the aperture reappeared and it only remains to expand enough to crawl through. These hidden parts are usually infested crap, but offer few objects that are well worth the risk to pick them up. In addition, searching conscientiously sites, fall repeatedly on computer terminals annotating the map available with the Tab key, or revealing the history of the game one chip after another. It is not exceptional, nor ashamed to be honest, but discover a new part of the story is synonymous with growth and therefore a reward in itself, hailed as the most beautiful trophies.
Thus we learn that the game takes its name teleporters failing that led an aggressive alien molecule from the depths of space. After development, it will eventually take control of Artificial Intelligence of the scientific basis and now uses drones, clones and zombies found there to exterminate men and consolidate his grip on the planet. A pitch-based aliens, experiments failed and white coats playing God necessarily remember a little Quake, Half-Life and System Shock fans of FPS. It is with unfeigned regret we note the total absence of music, which could participate in further add to the atmosphere and already wearing a very nice game to another level. The last complaint is for backup, which is not possible during the exploration. Leave a game before teleporting to the next level, even in a safe zone, lose all our progress. It will therefore be of substantial spare time slots to see our work pay off. Finally, we salute the generosity of developers who provide us with a level editor integrated into the game and accessible through the F1 through F12 keys, even if it is a sword in the water so its use is unclear and undocumented. See the positive side: those who have the courage to tackle it may have the impression to receive a puzzle game Machiavellian bonus.
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