Gradually, the Wii U gets large productions available for a year or more on the machines of competitors. After Batman: Arkham City and Mass Effect 3, it is the turn of the adventures of Ryu Hayabusa landed on the new Nintendo console. Say that Ninja Gaiden 3 has disappointed more than one player in March is an understatement. Wanting to rally to his cause those who are considering the beat'em with automatic backups and a lack of real challenge, the title of Team Ninja accumulated too many shortcomings to fully meet the demands of fans. The studio then try to make adjustments with the subtitled Razor's Edge, available since the launch of the console on other continents.
Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge has the daunting task of repairing mistakes last year: difficulty downgraded compared to older episodes, automated gameplay, the presence of many useless QTY .. . The challenge was not thin and developers to recover their old fans have logically made their way harder. But then, where we would have liked to see a reworked AI, it will just simply tougher enemies. Now, even the opponents base require more hard and some can also self-destruct and take a third of the life bar the way. For even more challenge and see the gang up several privates against the player instead of waiting quietly turn hard mode is required. The reward will be more rewarding, since the level of karma earned aligns the difficulty chosen. Karma, remember, can acquire new skills.
Team Ninja has learned the lesson and offers more than a single katana to put in their mouths, over an adventure that request - normal mode - a dozen hours to complete. Ryu Hayabusa is able to attack with a claw, a scythe or a stick, each weapon with the ability to be improved on three levels. Good news never comes alone, the ninja also has several types of magic Ninpo (Hell, Flying Blades ...) and several fighting techniques (aerial attack against instantaneous regeneration of life, etc.). Enrich the range of shots once unlocked. In addition, the pulpy Ayane entitled by two full chapters with divisions strength and beheadings, a trademark of the saga. In terms of content, this version is therefore intended to be the most comprehensive, one we should have had from the outset to make it short.
If the title is compatible with the Pro Controller, it is still quite enjoyable to GamePad. Playable only on mablette to allow Ms. watch the latest episode of Mad Men, the game has a good grip and some phases may even enhance immersion. The touch screen is meanwhile office shortcut for the camera, activate the Ninpo magic, change weapons or buy new skills. Nothing folichon well, all these functions are accessible via conventional and directional pad buttons. Oh yes, we almost forgot the basics. In the manner of the Sixaxis for Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, it can bounce opulent breasts during cutscenes shaking mablette: laughter guaranteed when two heroines speak very seriously while their breasts move without reason. However, the enrichment of the formula does not make it unique, however, and the many flaws of the original game are still present in this version Wii U.
The camera is unfortunately too often picked it up, and almost no exploration scenario is extremely disjointed. It follows the characters from Paris, a desert, Antarctica or lost in the Indian Ocean without understanding forest where is the logic in the sequence of places, despite a written agreement between each of the ten chapters summary. Either way, the choice of environments is questionable as the Japanese atmosphere mesmerizing debut has given way to mytho-futuristic sets doubtful. Fortunately, the mid-term, a detour to the hometown hero evokes the period of feudal Japan as appreciated. Ryu, now cut in two helicopters in flight and beheads German shepherd like giant cockroaches via QTE is a bit like the studio: his right arm is inhabited by a mysterious illness, such as a partially eaten Team Ninja inside since the departure of Tomonobu Itagaki. In addition, the effectiveness of the gameplay does not hide the poverty level design and the shameless recycling of enemies throughout the adventure. Visually, the graphics engine shows completely overwhelmed, textures are sad to see and persistent aliasing raging from beginning to end.
We appreciate the effort on the localization fixes some errors in French, the hits are now translated as "hits" and not by clumsy "fire." You can also rely on ancillary multiplayer modes to fight with other heroines of the Dead or Alive series. Thus, the beautiful priestess Momiji and Kasumi are playable in the Challenge mode, which is aimed first and foremost enthusiasts high score: it is to be fast and efficient on a given level already completed in Story Mode. The results are obviously classified online, the player can compare the results of his efforts with the community. Playable up to eight simultaneously Combat mode Clans calls for his players to change their avatar over the victories won, will customize it to their liking and buy weapons of their choice. It will not forget the shortcomings of solo, but it's still better than nothing.
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